Friday, January 30, 2015

Blue Taco Nachos!!


                                                          Here's to the color craze !
                                                              The color is blue,
                                                   Small changes make the biggest impact! 
                                                        1lb ground beef  (or preferred ground meat)
                                                        1/2 purple onion chopped small
                                                       1tsp-tbs or minced garlic (suite to taste)
                                            Simmer on med low until meat is fully cooked & onion is soft. 
                                                     drain & mix in taco seasoning packet 
                                                with 2/3 cup water simmer until absorbed    
                                                        1/2 cup more or less of  chopped  tomato's   
                                                       1/2 cup more or less of mixed lettuces with red leaves
                                                       Have stuff like shredded cheese & salsa &
                                                                what ever you like on your taco.
                                               Place toppings however you like on top of a handful of 
                                                               Blue organic corn chips

                                                      Enjoy!  & remember to add some color to your life!  

Super Clean Detox Antioxidant Smoothie

Ok so everyone is getting ready for summer right?
Why not blend your way there! 
With these basic ingredients you wont have to 
scavenge specialty stores  for ingredients.
Full of antioxidants & fiber!

carrot (optional)
frozen mixed berries
fruit & veggie juice
& or tea
a shot of apple cider vinegar
(its ok a small amount is not noticeable )
Blend until smooth
Drink you sweet cravings away !!

Remember to eat your colors!

Custom Pot of Beans

Soak 1lb-ish Great Northern Bean & Lentils overnight
chop up a red onion 

chop up some celery-

even the leaves (super good for ya)
chop up some garlic
to release the skin from the garlic press down on the clove
 with the knife handle, then just peel off the skin.

 shove all the ingredients in a crock pot
with onion soup mix & beer of choice
dont use too much bean water-
use just enough water to cover the beans before placing in the pot
add pork or ham if you like 
Turn the crock pot on high for 6 hrs

Dishwasher Rince Aid

Use white vinegar instead of rinse aid
Save money & the environment
It really works!!
My dishes are better than when i used regular rinse aids!
                        It helps keep the dishwasher clean too!

Homemade Bleach

In a spray bottle mix 
Vinegar just less than half
Push to half with peroxide 
squeeze in juice of a lemon 
fill the rest up with water

You can use this anywhere 
safe around kids & pets

I like to spray it in my shower after use like an after shower spray
or in my kitchen its super safe & no bleach spots on my clothes !

Carpet Cleaning Alternative

in a bowl pour in 1/2 cup water &1/2 cup vinegar
Slowly add 1/2 cup baking soda letting the fizz stop before you add more
dampen spot with rag
 let set (sometimes you can just watch it disappear !)
scrub up spot 
hopefully you wont need to clean the rest of your carpet to match the clean spot
but if you do sprinkle baking soda evenly on your carpet, brush it in.
spray water & vinegar all over the area 
brush & spray until desired results
let dry  brush & vacuum
Done! you now have a clean carpet for super cheap no weird chemicals
& dirt wont stick to the carpet as much after use  unlike other cleaners
so u can keep your carpet cleaner!
safe to use with crawling babies !

Nutty Hannah Banana Bread

Preheat oven at 350 

3/4 cup Sugar
1/2 cup melted Butter
1 TSP Vanilla
2 Eggs
Cream together in a bowl
1 1/2 cup of All purpose Flour
1/2 TSP Baking Soda
Slowly Mix flour mix to the creamed mix 
1/2 cup of chopped nuts
1/2 cup of  Yogurt / Cream cheese / or Sour cream
1 cup or so of mushed Bananas
Mix all in to the batter 
(  My husband would have liked cinnamon in it 
 so i guess you can add cinnamon to taste)
I used a muffin pan & 2 small loaf pans 
don't remember how long it took 30-50 min 
But its GOOD!

Potato Fridge Deoderizer

Alright  Its a potato .
Well instead of using baking soda to deodorize your fridge
Use a Cut Potato !
I always forget my baking soda in the fridge. I find it in one hard clump that's been there 
who knows how long after it should be, hidden in the condiment shelf.
Well no more !!
Use half of a leftover potato & just set it in your fridge!
The potato will soak up  the smell in your fridge , turning it dark.
When the potato has turned, just cut off a slice from the end.
Then just place the new potato end into the fridge again
Remember to keep it fresh cut off end slice every other day or so 
place it in a visual spot  so you don't forget  
If someone asks what the heck is that ! 
Tell them its my fridge potato!
Remember that a clean fridge is a happy fridge.
 Try my homemade bleach recipe to safely clean out your fridge!

My Very Own Custom Gumbo Recipie

saute up chicken pieces until white in some olive oil
use a lid to keep in moisture but stir frequently
add cut up link sausage 
fry until fully cooked 
remove from pan leaving the drippings
Add chopped up celery & onions in drippings
saute until soft
remove leaving the drippings & whatever is stuck to bottom of pan 
add some more oil if not runny
add flour & mix until a dough like consistency 
& that's your roux, like when you make gravy
 If your using a pan like me move the roux to a bigger pot 
slowly add a can of beer stirring out the lumps for a smooth gravy like consistency
add another beer & a can of chicken broth 
now that you have your soup add
a can of diced tomatoes 
a can of  diced tomatoes with chillies (rotel)
couple handfuls of brown rice
okra & the sauteed  celery & onion from earlier
boil until rice is soft 
while waiting on rice add Cajun seasoning & thyme to taste
stirring in a little at a time so not to over do it
 OK now that's your rice is soft 
add the chicken & sausage from earlier
simmer up until blended
then add the shrimp 
cook until shrimp is red & cooked 
Now you have some thick & rich
Swamp Stomp Gumbo 

Hannah Banana Pancakes

1 Cup Flour 
1/4 Cup almost Brown Sugar
2 Tsp Baking Powder
1/4 Tsp Salt
mix dry ingredients in a separate bowl
   1-2 Eggs (I like 2)
1 Cup Milk
1 Tbs Oil
2 mushed big ripe Bananas
Stir wet ingredients until mixed
Slowly mix both bowls 
when blended 
add 2 handfuls of Oatmeal

Saving Face Product Detox

Well we all have crazy products with who knows what in it, right?
I'm so tired of purchasing products for my face that over dry my skin or clog up my pores.
My bathroom counter was littered with products for this & that & I don't even like most of them.
The products I do like are not as good as they seem after my facial product detox.
We all know about whole foods & getting back to the basics,
 well my product detox is like changing out for whole foods.
Here is an uber basic face care tip.
 Ok well for a general toner /astringent always use Witch Hazel,
 Just squirt a little on a cotton ball & rub on face as normal.
For dryer skin add a little olive oil to the same cotton ball with Witch Hazel.
For Acne prone skin use a wet rag with some apple cider vinegar.
now vinegar has some fumes that will burn your eyes if you use a lot
so baby step up your usage until you find a comfortable amount.
OK your awake now!
Well you can also add some Olive oil to your vinegar rag & rub again for added moisture you'll need.
I usually use vinegar & water for astringent/ face wash.
Then i use the Witch Hazel & olive oil together & my skin is soft & hydrated all day.
You can use this as often as you need
Always try not to use soap  soap will strip your skin.Use soap sparingly.

Fabric Softener Tip

OK well for fabric softener i just squeeze a sponge & throw it in the dryer.
To mix I use a regular liquid fabric softener.
1 part liquid softener 
3 parts water 
I just put in a cap full of softener in container
then while washer is filling up, fill 3 cap fulls 
toss moist sponge in dryer & this mixture stretches pennies 
The container I'm using is an old dish washing pack dispenser
it has a nice re closeable lid & perfect size for sponges, 
so I'm reusing something that would normally become trash!
Just collect the sponges from dried clothes when done & place them back in tub.
no more wasteful drier sheets stuck to everything!

Yes!! its a Jump Rope :)

Yes It's a Jump rope 
Well do you have a tight schedule?
You do if you have children,
 & if you have kids you probably have jump ropes somewhere
well my challenge is to jump rope during one commercial block a day 
yes  just one 
try it 
its easy & fun 
Your getting oodles of cardio
  & working out the largest muscle group in your body.
Add jump roping to your routine & see what it does for you.
If you haven't used a Jump rope in a long time 
(like most of us)
you will realize it.
Don't worry you'll get it !!!
Get outside & play with your kids 
NOW !!
are you still here ??
GO !
Do you want your youthful body back or not ?
Act like a kid then!
If you want it be it

Coconut Oil Hair Treatment

Hello again here is a tip I have been wanting to try for a while.
Melt coconut oil & smear into hair 
let set for like an hour ish 
wash out as normal 
Bam !!
super shiny silky smooth hair!!
just like that its that easy
also try a few drops put into your hair color
Shhh! that's a secret!
One more thing 
its great for a body moisturizer
smear some oil on a warm wet rag & rub all over 
its awesome for the skin
try coconut oil today 
& tell me what all you use it for 
the list should be long !

This has been another product detox post 
Do try this at home.

Ice storm 2013

                 Ice Storm Photography

These are some pics of our recent ice storm 2013

 These were took with my birthday present from my husband yay!!

Best camera ever ive seen many purchase this camera after ive showed them what it could do so if your looking for a camera here it is it also takes video with excellent stabilization
What a beautiful day!! :) 
   There is nothing better than seeing the world thru a new camera. Then taking a long break, just to discover long lost inspirations waiting for your return.    
   This first post represents that first crisp clean breath of spring. A time of renewal and rebirth. To reclaim the energy forgotten about thru a long dormant  period.
    I would like for you all to bask in the beauty of nature. Look at the little nothings and see the meaningfulness of how one thing affects so much of the world around us.There are many things anyone of us can do to help out or just to connect to our world. 
  • Volunteer at your local park    
  • Recycle 
  • Volunteer at your local animal shelter
  • grow your own vegetables
  •  Adopt a pet in need  
    These are just a small part of a big picture. all the little things matter. 
  • Going for nature walks 
  • Walk barefoot outside
  • Sit on your porch sipping tea or coffee
  • Plant something
  • Walk the dog
  • Photograph nature
   I'm sure this list will be added to as i come up with more ways to connect with nature. I always been that kind of person that, that one thing would change soo much. so maybe I can help that one person with there one thing some day.