Friday, January 30, 2015

Potato Fridge Deoderizer

Alright  Its a potato .
Well instead of using baking soda to deodorize your fridge
Use a Cut Potato !
I always forget my baking soda in the fridge. I find it in one hard clump that's been there 
who knows how long after it should be, hidden in the condiment shelf.
Well no more !!
Use half of a leftover potato & just set it in your fridge!
The potato will soak up  the smell in your fridge , turning it dark.
When the potato has turned, just cut off a slice from the end.
Then just place the new potato end into the fridge again
Remember to keep it fresh cut off end slice every other day or so 
place it in a visual spot  so you don't forget  
If someone asks what the heck is that ! 
Tell them its my fridge potato!
Remember that a clean fridge is a happy fridge.
 Try my homemade bleach recipe to safely clean out your fridge!

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